Business Buyers are Acting More Like Consumers – Report

Business-to-business (B2B) buyers are acting more like consumers, according to a new report. The white paper “The New BtoB Path to Purchase” summarizes the results of the DemandGenReport ‘Inside the Mind of the Buyer Survey’, which polled over 230 business

Website Design Guide

Your website should help you generate sales leads and acquire new customers.  This presentation describes the key steps to deliver a website that helps you grow your business.

What is A Content Strategy and Why Do You Need One

If you want to generate web traffic and generate sales leads online you need to generate content.   In this post I take a look at why you need content, what kinds of content you need and how you can

Quick Tips To Improve Your Landing Pages

A “landing” page is any page on your website where you are specifically sending visitors. When people first try online marketing they often direct traffic from their online campaigns to their home page. This is a mistake because there are

Value Propositions II – Using your NOSE

As pointed out by Tom Sant, if you can’t establish that you deliver superior value then the customer will choose based on price. In a previous post, “Value Propositions – what you do, why it’s important, how you do it”

How Much Time Do You Have To Respond To Sales Leads?

Web lead response times – source: Time is money. I was asked by a client at a business-to-business technology firm last week how quickly you should respond to a web-generated sales enquiry? My answer is “as quickly as you

Motarme provides sales prospecting and lead generation services to Business-to-Business (B2B) technology, engineering and services companies.

Motarme Ireland

Colab Innovation Centre

Atlantic Technological


Letterkenny, Donegal

Tel +353 74 9116689

Motarme USA

345 Park Ave

17th Floor

Ireland House

New York 10154

Tel (332) 245 0205

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