The future of sales and marketing?

Marketing will become more technical, sales teams won’t be on the road so much, and there’s going to be more overlap and, hopefully, alignment. The web, online advertising and online marketing are having a big impact on how Business-to-business (B2B) companies

What is Lead Management?

If you follow a standard process for managing sales leads, you can generate more leads, make more sales and earn more money. You can achieve scale. Having an effective Lead Management process in place will help you: Generate more leads

A manager’s guide to Digital Marketing

This is a presentation I gave recently on Digital Marketing, aimed at business managers.   The presentation lists the online tools you can use before describing each digital marketing technique in a little more detail.  Topics covered include web-site design and landing

Creating content that generates awareness and demand

People don’t buy things they way they did 10 or 15 years ago.  Whether it’s a hotel room, a house or a $200k software system, their search begins online. This means that your prospective customers need to find you online,

B2B Marketing use of Pay-per-click

A great post on B2B marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, called “Don’t sabotage your own PPC Campaign“ at the Emagine blog.  The post, by Matt Roche, highlights an interview with CPC search’s Terry Whalen carried out by Jep Capelstein at the LeadSloth blog.  In the original interview,

Motarme provides sales prospecting and lead generation services to Business-to-Business (B2B) technology, engineering and services companies.

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Colab Innovation Centre

Atlantic Technological


Letterkenny, Donegal

Tel +353 74 9116689

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345 Park Ave

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Ireland House

New York 10154

Tel (332) 245 0205

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