Technology Marketing Seminar for NISP Connect

Motarme – Web Marketing for Tech Startups – NISP Workshop June 2014 from Motarme Marketing Technology   Our slide deck from a seminar on technology marketing for NISPConnect in the Northern Ireland Science Park.  A really enjoyable seminar, very positive

Care and Watering of Your Google Ads Campaign

Google Ads should be a good source of leads for B2B companies. But to succeed you need to give your campaigns regular care and attention. That’s because after your new Ads campaign runs for a few days you will see

What Are Average B2B Website Conversion Rates?

Most of us want to know how we compare with our peers or competitors, and that’s true in Business-to-Business (B2B) web marketing too. A lot of our clients want to know if there is any benchmark data for B2B conversion

What is Lead Nurturing?

What Is Lead Nurturing – A Motarme Guide from Motarme Marketing Technology Lead Nurturing refers to building regular, automated interactions with sales leads in order to develop a relationship and encourage a purchase. This guide explains what Lead Nurturing is,

IMEC Technologies implements Motarme Marketing Automation

IMEC Technologies has selected Motarme for Marketing Automation. IMEC Technologies is a leader in wireless inspection and track & trace solutions for regulated industries like pharmaceuticals, healthcare and aviation. IMEC’s customers include Pfizer, American Airlines and GlaxoSmithKline.

Mergon Group adopts Motarme for Marketing Automation

Mergon Group has implemented Motarme for Marketing Automation.  Mergon Group is among the top 5 providers of technical blow moulded and injection moulded plastics in the world. Customers include BMW, Abbott, Volkswagen, Toyata and Bosch.  With 400 staff and multi-million

Motarme provides sales prospecting and lead generation services to Business-to-Business (B2B) technology, engineering and services companies.

Motarme Ireland

Colab Innovation Centre

Atlantic Technological


Letterkenny, Donegal

Tel +353 74 9116689

Motarme USA

345 Park Ave

17th Floor

Ireland House

New York 10154

Tel (332) 245 0205

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