Technology Marketing Seminar for NISP Connect

Motarme – Web Marketing for Tech Startups – NISP Workshop June 2014 from Motarme Marketing Technology   Our slide deck from a seminar on technology marketing for NISPConnect in the Northern Ireland Science Park.  A really enjoyable seminar, very positive

Search Engine Optimization Competitor Analysis using “AllInTitle”

When you are picking keyword phrases to target, using the “AllInTitle” filter can be a good way to assess the level of competition for a keyword. How do you decide which keyword phrases you should target with your website? The

Managers Guide to SEO Part 2

Part 2 of a Manager’s Guide to SEO – from how to select the keywords to target through to optimizing your website. You can check out Part 1 of the Guide here.

Managers Guide to SEO – Part 1

Business buyers as well as consumers search online when looking for a product or service. 85% of these buyers find what they want via a search engine. If they can’t find you they will buy from a competitor. We think

How B2B Companies Can Use the Web to Generate Sales

A short explanation of how Business-to-Business companies can use the web to generate sales and revenue. Most B2B vendor selections now start on the web. Procurement team members search for suppliers, for information about product categories, for case studies and

How to Market Software-as-a-Service Products

You’ve built a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) product. How do you acquire customers? This slide presentation describes how to drive traffic to your site, generate registrations and convert those registrations to paying customers. Written by Michael White Michael White is co-founder

Motarme provides sales prospecting and lead generation services to Business-to-Business (B2B) technology, engineering and services companies.

Motarme Ireland

Colab Innovation Centre

Atlantic Technological


Letterkenny, Donegal

Tel +353 74 9116689

Motarme USA

345 Park Ave

17th Floor

Ireland House

New York 10154

Tel (332) 245 0205

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