Creating content that generates awareness and demand

People don’t buy things they way they did 10 or 15 years ago.  Whether it’s a hotel room, a house or a $200k software system, their search begins online. This means that your prospective customers need to find you online,

What kind of content should you create for B2B Marketing?

Business to business marketing depends more and more on creating ‘content’ – material that provides information that is not necessarily sales or marketing related. Examples include business articles, technical white papers, YouTube videos and presentations. The purpose of generating this

7 Reasons Why Marketing Automation Projects Fail

Jep Castelein has written an excellent post, “7 Reasons Why Marketing Automation projects fail” on his Lead Sloth blog.  Some of his points are to be expected e.g. No. 1, know who you’re trying to target and ensure your marketing is relevant

Using words to convince, not confuse

How difficult is it to communicate precisely what we mean?  In marketing, PR, sales (and in many other walks of life) you must be able to convey your message concisely, unambiguously and in a way that strikes a chord with the recipients.  On this

Motarme provides sales prospecting and lead generation services to Business-to-Business (B2B) technology, engineering and services companies.

Motarme Ireland

Colab Innovation Centre

Atlantic Technological


Letterkenny, Donegal

Tel +353 74 9116689

Motarme USA

345 Park Ave

17th Floor

Ireland House

New York 10154

Tel (332) 245 0205

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